Tuesday, April 22, 2008

TAKS 2008, The Blue Water Symposium

TAKS 2008 is coming up in October. For those of you who don't know what TAKS is, it's the Traditional Arctic Kayak Symposium. This year, we're looking at three possible sites for the symposium. There is of course San Simeon where we had it the last two years, but this year, we're also looking at Mendocino and Trinidad, which is north of Arcata. Mendocino is about 3.5 hours north of San Francisco. Trinidad is 6 hours north of San Francisco.
John Petersen is headed up to Mendo today, Tuesday. He's going to check it out to consider suitability for TAKS. He will also head up to Trinidad a day or so later to check it out. Stay tuned, as they say for more info.
John Petersen and furry friend on the way up to Mendocino.

I will be headed up to Arcata in May to check it out and will try to swing by Mendocino. Both are no doubt cool places.
We are also trying out slogans for TAKS. Somebody pointed out that TAKS is one of the few of these kind of events that happens on the open coast with the attendant surf and potentially rough conditions. So we're playing around with that idea - the blue water symposium.
So we still don't know where the symposium will be this year, but it will be October 3, 4 and 5.

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