Did some measuring too. Beam is 32 inches at the gunwales. Length is 17 feet.
There it is, the B.N. Morris without a skin, sitting on top of the Vibe in front of the shop. |
The white cedar sheathing has some gaps that need to be filled. |
There it is in the shop ready for the next step. |
The ends of the canoe are decked over. Doesn't look like much, but takes up the first 32 inches of either end of the boat. |
Not to rain on your parade, but this isn't a B.N. Morris. It's almost certainly from one of the builders along the Charles River near Boston, and probably from the teens to the 1940s timeframe. Morris canoes were nice, but so were these Boston-area builders. Unfortunately it's tough to pin down which of the Charles River builders without a builder's tag. Features of your canoe prove it's not a Morris and strongly indicate that it is a Boston-area canoe. Interestingly, one of those Boston-area builders was working in the Pacific Northwest for a time, so...
ReplyDeletethanks for the rain on the BN Morris parade. Yes, this canoe did not come with a builder's tag. So to anonymity it shall return.