Just a few photos from this year's culture camp. Just finished up yesterday. Days have been long. 9 am to 9 pm. Trying to catch up on sleep now.
Working backwards here from the last day. Potluck at lunch time. Clockwise from left - smoked salmon, stewed seal, dried salmon, berries in seal oil, pasta salad, lettuce salad, salmon pie, potato salad.
Here's how you eat dried salmon, sort of. Normally, you dip it in seal oil, but lacking seal oil, you make a sort of a layer cake of seal, seal fat and salmon.
Meanwhile, back at the kayak shop, kids pretending that they're in kayak jail.
The very youngest kids did not participate in the kayak building but got a tour of our progress. Here they are demonstrating the light weight of the kayak by lifting it up.
And then we took all the kayaks out to the Alaska Native Heritage center where the Orthodox priest blessed them with holy water.
More to come