Saturday, January 29, 2011

Boat Launch Party

Diane organized a picnic to celebrate the launching of her boat.  A number of her friends came and a bunch of other skin boaters came an brought their boats. Christian is in the background with the boat he built at the same time as Diane.

Tim trying out Diane's boat.  Riding low due to occupant exceeding design displacement. Good for sneaking up on wildlife though.

 Here's Joe in his low profile Greenlander.

 And Joan giving it a whirl.

 And Nobuto with noise maker to drive off bad water spirits.

Diane up close to her new boat.  Note green grass, an indication that it is winter in California and has been raining.

 Inside the cockpit.

 And people brought babies.
Christian (l) and Stefan (r) hauling off Christian's boat.  Boat's nose sharing cab space.

And here's the zoomed out view.  Bye.
Good time was had by all, thanks to everyone who brought food and drink and good cheer.

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