Friday, October 12, 2018


If you were following this blog, you may have noticed that the frequency of posts has dropped to something like zero.
Well don't despair.  I still have ideas and an urge to type at my laptop and anyone out there able to tear themselves away from politics may find me back on the internet, only not writing on the topic of skinboats.
Reasons for that are mainly that to say something useful on the topic means that I should still be involved with skinboats in some meaningful way.  Truth is that I am not.
Reasons for that are that we are disengaging ourselves from a fixed abode and shop and proximity to water, all of which have something to do with kayaking in skinboats.
Going nomadic on dry land with minimal opportunity to mess with boats.
That may change in the future, but for now, I am landbound.
Soon as I think of new things to talk about, I will post a link to where that is so you can decide whether you want to bother going there and reading what I wrote.
In the meantime, read back posts on this site.  If you're like me, you'll discover things you might have read but forgot so old stuff will feel like new.


Anonymous said...

Time for some “Shinrin-yoku”

Christian said...

Hey Wolfgang, you probably don't remember me but I built a boat with you some 10 years ago. (Maybe you do remember, you were going to use some of my photos for the new edition of your book.) I'm bummed to hear that life has taken you away from the water. That's a huge shame and a pretty big loss for the dwindling Aleut skinboat community. It seems like the Greenland style gets all the attention these days.

I'm glad that you discovered fishing for a time at least. When we built my boat, I told you I wanted to fish out of it and you made it extra wide so a dummy like me wouldn't fall out while trying to wrangle a fish. It took me 9 years of half-assing it before I finally felt confident enough to take it out on my own and hunt for a fish, but your design was perfect. Any skinnier and I'd capsize on every hookup. Ironically, I'm launching from Encinal and think of you whenever I go out. The open ocean is still too scary for me.

Handlining is absolutely the way to go in a skinboat. I think I figured it out around the same time that you did. It feels more authentic than a rod and reel. At least, it feels less incongruous. That said, it's hard to deny the efficacy of a sonar unit. One day I'll figure out how to add one without ruining the look of the boat. For now, I've mounted mine on a milk crate so I can at least remove it all when I'm not fishing.

Now that I think about it, this seems a lot more like a personal letter than a blog comment but I think these thoughts about your work are worth going on a public record. You are a treasure and I hope you find your way back to the water some day.

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